An easy way to stop drinking

Is there really an easy way to stop drinking? And if it exists, then what is its essence? Since you have reached this page, it means it is not easier. Either you yourself are thinking that you are trapped in alcoholism or you feel that the green serpent is getting tighter and tighter around your neck. Or your loved one or relative has become addicted to alcohol, whom you do not want to discard and bury ahead of time. So let's find out if there is an easy way in nature to stop drinking and what it is.

Vicious circle

Have you ever promised to stop drinking 10 times, but in the end you find yourself with a glass of cold beer in your hands? Then this article is about you. Antialcoholization and onset problems are relevant today in almost all three families.

Stop consuming alcohol

Let's find out what options exist in the modern era, which are painful and which are not.

To stop drinking, you need willpower. Almost every alcoholic has heard this phrase. The essence of this "will" is to say a firm no to yourself and defeat the insidious serpent. Do sports, work, self-education and the necessary necessities, and preferably quit smoking, it's a beautiful fairy tale.

Why a fairy tale? Because alcoholism is a disease, just like a broken leg, chickenpox, decompression sickness, drug addiction, the essence of which is the need to fill oneself with fire water to maintain life. And at some point it usually becomes a necessary fuel, like coffee and cigarettes (also an addiction). Therefore, you cannot simply refuse, despite your desire, no matter how strong it may be, but we will still consider this option.


I'm tired of everything! I'm stronger than alcohol!

Let's say you really want to stop drinking on your own and believe in yourself. Of course, you need to throw away all alcohol, don't go to events with alcohol - there will be attraction whether you want to give it up or not. If you have drunk a lot, a sudden refusal is undesirable - the body needs cleansing, it is advisable to do this under the supervision of a doctor or arrange detoxification.

Then you do whatever you want, but don't be idle - cook at home, at work, you can gradually go in for sports (preferably after a month, your body is weak), read books, watch good films, etc. Don't get involved with people who drink – they know the influence they have on those who decide to leave their proud society of drunks, so don't be surprised if they start to look down on you.

If you still have the strength to launch

Do you still have some strength? Stop smoking, eating fatty foods and go to bed no later than ten. Only a few out of a thousand can do this, but trying is not torture. Don't give in to internal persuasion: "Well, is a little okay? " or "It's Friday", and the lesson itself is usually "I've already proven that I can live without alcohol, so I'm entitled! "

They have proven otherwise if you think you have the right to drink.

Why is this option obviously false? Because no one takes into account that alcoholism is a mental illness that requires the intervention of a psychiatrist, and not a fairy godmother and a strong core, in order to stop. How can you help a patient if he has a dependent illness and refuses help? Draw an analogy with schizophrenics and the mentally ill, then it will become clear that without the intervention of a person in a white coat it is quite difficult (almost impossible).

12 step program

Hello everyone, my name is. . . and I'm an alcoholic!

Just like Narcotics Anonymous, there are Alcoholics Anonymous, who meet in groups in the city and discuss how life is difficult for them, but how good it is for others. It seems very funny that you would come to this event and watch recovering alcoholics with grim faces who take turns saying "My name is. . . I'm an alcoholic" - "Hello. . . ! We welcome new (dark) faces! "

It's worth a try, if you've never been, someone finds themselves there and starts living the 12 step recovery program, why not? In war, all means are good, especially with such a treacherous enemy.

What is the program based on?

The show is based on the fact that alcoholics and drug addicts (which are essentially the same thing) are flawed people. Well, they were born like that, while others were born with virtues, with generosity, kindness and decency, as if the parents chose their child's characteristics at birth and encouraged their hero. But they did not encourage alcoholics, they decided that they would be alcoholics, cruel people and weak-willed people, and they, in turn, decided that this was not a birth bug, but a distinctive feature.

After realizing your shortcomings in AA meetings, you, with the help of a Higher Power (God, the Universe, Astrology, Indian mantras or Banana - whatever you believe in, trust) work on yourself, ask the Higher Power to rid you of character defects and enjoy getting to know life. AA and NA become life for you, you are inseparable from them, you recover, because alcoholism and drug addiction are "incurable" diseases!


There are different encodings - for a month, 3 months, 6 or more. Having been coded, you feel defective, as if something is forbidden to you, like a child. Imagine being told not to eat with a fork. It would seem - what is in these forks? What, I can't do without a fork? Why do others eat and I don't? - and here they are, silver, aluminum, gold-plated forks - take whatever catches your eye, there are dessert forks with three prongs, there are gold-plated salad forks. . . But you can't!

With approximately the same logic, you look at people who drink alcohol, only you are also attracted to it and are afraid of death in case of poisoning. Take a fork - an ambulance. If you are ready to live in this fear and doom, then you can code. Also for drug addicts there is a drug coding - blocking opium receptors. It's not a bad option if you're still addicted to drugs; Using them together does not work, but there is a risk that the addict will try to increase the dosage and have an overdose.

Rational psychotherapy

There is a wonderful method to stop drinking with the help of rational psychotherapy. The method was developed by doctors. The essence of the method is that alcoholism is the same disease, which presents symptoms that are expressed in the compulsive desire to drink, self-deception ("Well, just a little more will be enough"), anosognosia and psychodefenses ("Drinking is normal ! I'm not an alcoholic! Alcoholics stay under the fence! ") and disorders in the limbic and sympathetic systems.

With the use of a substance on which dependence occurs, that is, drugs (ethanol was included in the register of these substances) the hormonal system is disturbed and the brain adapts in such a way that it needs another high. You are tired of work, tired of personal life, your house is not beautiful, the country is not the same - are you waiting for Friday to allow yourself to expire, can't you find a pattern?

Have you ever been so tired that you needed alcohol to relax, especially when peeling nettles or playing shogou as a child? Have you ever yelled at your wife or fought over alcohol? Congratulations, you already have psychoprotection and anosognosia.

Stop, I have the right to drink, what kind of psychoprotection are you talking about?

Everyone tends to think that a person has the right to live as he wants and eat what he wants. No, because alcoholism and drug addiction are socially dangerous diseases - 90% of crimes are committed under the influence of drugs, children suffer from drunken parents, how many cases a drunk man killed his wife with an ax out of jealousy.

Was he the kind of person who took and hacked himself to death? Or was he born with a defect? Or has it degenerated due to constant consumption? When asked what the worst drug is, we can definitely say alcohol, as it is insidious, dangerous and socially approved.

Is it easy to give up alcohol?

But it's not easy, it's not like pressing the off button. You won't be able to give up a bottle in the morning without difficulty.

To overcome alcoholism, you need to listen to the kind Aibolit in a white coat and fulfill his demands. If he tells you not to drink or exercise, you shouldn't do it. You won't argue with the doctor if you ask why the cast needs to be removed in a month and not tomorrow? The same case.

Why isn't this easy? What is the hardest thing about giving up alcohol?

The hardest thing about giving up alcohol is admitting the addiction. Alcoholics are mistaken for cruel, impudent and depraved people, as if alcohol reveals the true essence of a person, as they are inside. Alcoholics turn into tyrants, hysterics and clowns, who is interested in communicating with these people? But they are not people, but the result of degradation, they are silent about it, or they don't want to understand.

In fact, alcohol burns out the central nervous system slowly but surely, and then people experience the wonders of hangovers and encephalopathy, delirium tremens and other psychoses.

It is impossible to answer the question "which method is the easiest". This is an incorrect question, from the series "how to win a million easily" or "how to win the lottery". You can answer the question "how exactly to tie it once and for all. "If your wording of the question seems easier to do this, you already want to just go out and have them do it for you, and irresponsibility, alcoholic citizen, is a consequence of use.

How can you still be healed?

When treating alcoholism, the help of loved ones and family is necessary, as the disease is social. It is by applying an anti-glare to the drink that you can refuse it. If you want to help your husband or wife, be prepared to become their enemy at first.